Max Power: 25 HP, Feed Rate: 46/56/59 FPM, Max Width: 21"
With both edger and multirip functions, maximise recovery from each board and increase sawmill productivity.
The EG300 combines the functions of both an edger and a multirip into one machine. The EG300 maximises recovery from each board and increases overall productivity of your sawmill by 20-30%.
As standard, the EG300 is supplied with two circular sawblades for use as an edger. One blade is fixed and the other is adjustable from the operator control console - using the electronic Setworks system to accurately pre-set the required width of the board. Optional lasers can be installed to assist the operator in determining the precise width for maximum recovery.
The EG300 comprises three main components - the main saw unit, the infeed table and the outfeed table. This modular construction ensures easier transportation, handling and installation.
Two top rollers make it easy to move a board back to the front of the edger for a return pass. An adjustable fence allows the operator to quickly position boards with an already straight edge.
Optionally, the EG300 can be fitted with up to five circular sawblades for multirip applications. Four of the blades are fixed for cutting standard widths and the fifth is movable. Changing between edger and multirip operations is simple, and this flexible design allows the operator to react quickly to changing demand. Power feed is variable from 0-20 m/min.
Multirip Blade Kit

Add three additional blades for full function multi-rip capability.
Board Fence

The fence has several adjustments to adapt to the type of material being edged.
2 Circular Blades

One fixed and the other fully adjustable.
Laser Kit

Optional lasers allow ideal positioning of the material for maximum recovery and time savings.
Return Rollers

These rollers come in handy when a board needs multiple passes.
Standard Setworks

Uses rugged electronics to quickly position adjustable blade in accordance to required cutting width.